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Dr Kelly Cobey: "Why Organizations, Researchers & Patients Are Falling Prey to Predatory Journals"
Jennifer Thomson on Publishing: International reputation and predatory journals
RDC Webinar: How to Reduce Waste and Increase Transparency in Health Research
WEBINAR: CADTH - Why it is important, and what now?
Bringing Researchers and Patients Together to Improve Outcomes
Elite journals, publishing as prestige-generation, and implications for academic careers
When Monopolists Control Access to Academic Prestige 10.22.2020
Coronavirus Paris decénseille les voyage en chine
Choosing an effective publishing strategy
Publishing in Academic Journal: Strategies for Young Scholar’s
Ep#13: Preventing Adverse Drug Reactions through Pharmacogenomics with Amani Saini
Surgical Innovation & Intervention | Dr. Jose Florencio F. Lapeña